Harvard Mk IV restoration project

Our Harvard is a Mark 4 model, which is significantly different in many ways from the earlier Mark 2 and 2A models. The design is American and the aircraft is similar to the AT-6 Texan. However, the Harvard
manuals are all produced by the Canadian Air Force and the part numbers may be different from the AT-6. 

Someone with extensive knowledge of both aircraft types might be able to identify where parts from an AT-6 could be used on the Harvard 4.

The Project team

Shane Chipchase – team lead. Shane has been working on the plane for a number of years and rebuilt the engine that will be used on the aircraft. He is a mechanic and directs the “hands on” work on the aircraft. Shane is also the person doing a significant part of the work, in particular the more complex activities related to the engine and related systems.

Carl Orde – project manager. Carl is looking after the planning for the project and acquisition of material and equipment needed for the work. He is an electrical engineer, with considerable experience in structural design and analysis, and has a reasonable aptitude with tools, going back to his early days growing up on a farm where he was the “chief mechanic.” Carl is currently working on fabrication and installation of the engine control rods for fuel, mixture and prop pitch.

Todd Lemieux – Todd is a pilot and has extensive experience working on aircraft similar to the Harvard. Todd is working to help with material acquisition and also has taken the lead in the rebuild of the brake